Host-parasite interactions: in search of co-evolutionary arms-races
Turner AM, Robinson SK, Hauber ME (in press). Nest Parasitism. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 3rd Edition (Cardoso da Silva JM, editor), Elsevier, London.*
Samas P, Hauber ME, Honza M (2021) A meta-analysis of avian eggshell characteristics cueing egg-rejection defenses against brood parasitism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (online).
Lopez AV, Bolmaro RE, Avalos M, Gerschenson LN, Reboreda JC, Fiorini VD, Tartalini V, Risso P, Hauber ME (2021) How to build a puncture- and breakage-resistant eggshell? Mechanical and structural analyses of avian brood parasites and their hosts. Journal of Experimental Biology (online).
Lawson SL, Enos JK, Mendes NC, Gill SA, Hauber ME (2021) Responses of female yellow warblers to playbacks signaling brood parasitism and predation risk: A quasi-replication study. Animal Behavior and Cognition 8: 216-230 (Special Issue on Behavioral Replication Studies).*
Clark DL, Hauber ME, Anderson PSL (2021) Nest substrate and tool shape significantly affect the mechanics and energy requirements of avian eggshell puncture. Journal of Experimental Biology 224: jeb238832.*
Antonson N, Hauber ME (2021) Ch. 50: Conflict and Violence in Avian Siblings: A Natural History Perspective. In Shackelford TK (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Domestic Violence. Sage Press, Thousand Oaks, USA, pp. 822-838.*
Lopez AV, Reboreda JC, Fiorini VD, Gerschenson LN, Hauber ME (2021) A comparative study of the structural and mechanical properties of avian eggshells amongst hosts of obligate brood parasitic cowbirds (genus Molothrus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133: 1057–1076.*
Pollock HS, Hoover JP, Uy FMK, Hauber ME (2021) Brood parasites are a heterogeneous and functionally distinct class of natural enemies. Trends in Parasitology 37: 588-596.*
Scharf HM, Abolins-Abols M, Stenstrom KH, Tolman DT, Schelsky WM, Hauber ME (2021) Exposure to a mimetic or non-mimetic model avian brood parasite egg does not produce differential glucocorticoid responses in an egg-accepter host species. General and Comparative Endocrinology 304: 113723 (with cover).*
Lawson SL, Enos JK, Mendes NC, Gill SA, Hauber ME (2021) Pairing status moderates both the production of and responses to anti-parasitic referential alarm calls in male yellow warblers. Ethology 127: 385-394.*
Hauber ME, Winnicki SK, Hoover JP, Hanley D, Hays IR (2021) The limits of egg recognition: Testing acceptance thresholds of American robins in response to decreasingly egg-shaped objects in the nest. Royal Society Open Science 8: 201615 (with cover).*
Li D, Hauber ME (2021) Parasitic begging calls of nestmate-evictor common cuckoos stimulate more parental provisions by red-winged blackbirds than calls of nest-sharing brown-headed cowbirds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 11.
Marton A, Fulop A, Ban M, Hauber ME, Moskat C (2021) Female common cuckoo calls dampen the mobbing intensity of great reed warbler hosts. Ethology 127: 286-293 (with cover).*
Winnicki SK, Strausberger BM, Antonson ND, Burhans DE, Lock J, Kilpatrick AM, Hauber ME (2021) Developmental asynchrony and host species identity predict variability in nestling growth rates of an obligate brood parasite: a test of the “growth-tuning” hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 213–220.*
Hauber ME, Hoover JP, Rhodes OR, Ducay RL, Hanley D (2021) The blunt pole is not a source of more salient recognition cues than the sharp pole for the rejection of model eggs by American robins (Turdus migratorius). Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70: 20111.*
Scharf HM, Hauber ME, Mommer BC, Hoover JP, Schelsky WM (2021) The effect of avian brood parasitism on physiological responses of host nestlings. Oecologia 195: 861-872.*
Rutledge S, Carr DE, Hauber ME, Hanley D (2021) Best of a bad job or masters of illusion: do nest light conditions make the eggs of brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) more similar to the eggs of its hosts? Ethology 127: 117-124.*
Hauber ME (2020) Natural and artificial scents do not increase egg rejection rates of model brood parasitic eggs by American Robins (Turdus migratorius). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66: 309-317.
Luro AB, Fernandez-Juricic E, Baumhardt P, Hauber ME (2020) Visual acuity and egg spatial chromatic contrast predict antiparasitic egg rejection behavior of American robins. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb229609.*
Antonson ND, Rubenstein DR, Hauber ME, Botero CA (2020) Ecological uncertainty favours the diversification of host use in avian brood parasites. Nature Communications 11: 4185.*
Feng S, Stiller J, Deng Y, Armstrong J, Fang Q, Reeve AH, Xie D, Chen G, Guo C, Faircloth BC, Petersen B, Wang Z, Zhou Q, Diekhans M, Chen W, Andreu-Sanchez S, Margaryan A, Howard JT, Parent C, Pacheco G, Sinding M-HS, Puetz L, Cavill E, Ribeiro AM, Eckhart L, Fjeldsa J, Hosner PA, Brumfield RT, Christidis L, Bertelsen MF, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Tietze DT, Robertson BC, Song G, Borgia G, Claramunt S, Lovette IJ, Cowen SJ, Njoroge P, Dumbacher JP, Ryder OA , Fuchs J, Bunce M, Burt DW, Cracraft J, Meng G, Hackett SJ, Ryan PG, Jonsson KA, Jamieson IG, da Fonseca RR, Braun EL, Houde P, Mirarab S, Suh A, Stervander M, Hansson B, Sigeman H, Ponnikas S, Sigeman H, Stervander M, Frandsen PB, van der Zwan H, van der Sluis R, Visser C, Balakrishnan C, Clark AG, Fitzpatrick JW, Bowman R, Chen N, Cloutier A, Sackton TB, Edwards SV, Foote DJ, Shakya S, Sheldon FH, Vignal A, Soares AER, Shapiro B, Gonzalez-Solis J, Ferrer-Obiol J, Rozas J, Riutort M, Tigano A, Friesen V, Dalen L, Urrutia AO, Szekely T, Liu Y, Campana MG, Corvelo A, Fleischer RC, Rutherford KM, Gemmell NJ, Dussex N, Mouritsen H, Thiele N, Delmore K, Liedvogel M, Franke A, Hoppner MP, Krone O, Fudickar AM, Mila B, Ketterson ED, Fidler AE, Friis G, Parody-Merino AM, Battley PF, Cox MP, Lima NCB, Prosdocimi F, Parchman TL, Schlinger BA, Loiselle BA, Blake JG, Lim HC, Day LB, Fuxjager MJ, Baldwin MW, Braun MJ, Wirthlin M, Dikow RB, Ryder TB, Camenisch G, Keller LF, DaCosta JM, Hauber ME, Louder MIM, Witt CC, McGuire JA, Mudge J, Megna LC, Carling MD, Wang B, Taylor SA, Del-Rio G, Aleixo A, Vasconcelos ATR, Mello CV, Weir JT, Haussler D, Li Q, Yang H, Wang J, Lei F, Rahbek C, Gilbert MTP, Graves GR, Jarvis ED, Paten B, Zhang G (2020) Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 287: 252-257 (with cover).*
Hauber ME, Heath SK, Tonra CM (2020) Direct estimates of breeding site fidelity and natal philopatry in brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirds Molothrus ater. Ardea 108: 129-137.
Antonson ND, Hauber ME, Mommer BC, Hoover JP, Schelsky WM (2020) Physiological responses of host parents to rearing an avian brood parasite: An experimental study. Hormones and Behavior 125: 104812.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2020) Endocrine regulation of egg rejection in an avian brood parasite host. Biology Letters 16: 20200225.*
Hauber ME, Kim CR, Goethe C, Hanley D (2020) Self-referent phenotype matching is a poor predictor of egg rejection by American Robins. Journal of Field Ornithology 91: 254–262.*
Louder MIM, Schelsky WM, Hoover JP, Louder ANA, Hauber ME (2020) A seasonal shift in offspring sex ratio of the brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). Journal of Avian Biology 51: e02560.*
Hauber ME, Abolins-Abols M, Kim CR, Paitz RT (2020) Inter-individual variation in anti-parasitic egg rejection behavior: a test of the maternal investment hypothesis. Integrative Organismal Biology 2: obaa014.*
Lawson SL, Leuschner N, Gill BJ, Enos JK, Hauber ME (2020) Loss of graded enemy recognition in a Whitehead population allopatric with brood parasitic Long-tailed Cuckoos. Avocetta Journal of Ornithology 44: 3-10.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2020) Proximate predictors of variation in egg rejection behavior by hosts of avian brood parasites. Journal of Comparative Psychology 134: 412-422.*
Enos JK, Hyland-Bruno J, Hauber ME (2020) Aggressive responses of Eastern Phoebes (Sayornis phoebe) and American Robins (Turdus migratorius) towards brood parasites and nest predators. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132: 428-435.*
Lawson SL, Enos JK, Mendes NC, Gill SA, Hauber ME (2020) Heterospecific eavesdropping on an anti-parasitic referential alarm call. Communications Biology 3: 143.*
Luro A, Hauber ME (2020) Avian diet and foraging ecology constrain foreign egg recognition and rejection. Avian Biology Research 13: 24-31.*
Louder MIM, Lafayette M, Louder AA, Uy FMK, Balakrishnan CN, Yasukawa K, Hauber ME (2020) Shared transcriptional responses to con- and heterospecific behavioral antagonists in a wild songbird. Scientific Reports 10: 4092.*
Manna TJ, Hanley D, Honza M, Capek M, Rutila J, Samas P, Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2020) Fitting different visual models to behavioral patterns of parasitic egg rejection along a natural egg color gradient in a cavity-nesting host species. Vision Research 167: 54-59.*
Louder MIM, Balakrishnan CN, Louder ANA, Driver RJ, London SE, Hauber ME (2019) An acoustic password enhances auditory learning in juvenile brood parasitic cowbirds. Current Biology 29: 4045-4051.*
Hauber ME, Dainson M, Luro A, Louder AA, Hanley D (2019) When are egg rejection cues perceived? A test using thermochromic eggs in an avian brood parasite host. Animal Cognition 22:1141–1148.*
Louder MIM, Hauber ME, Louder ANA, Hoover JP, Schelsky WM (2019) Greater opportunities for sexual selection in male than in female obligate brood parasitic birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32: 1310-1315 (with cover).*
Scharf HM, Stenstrom K, Dainson M, Benson TJ, Fernandez-Juricic E, Hauber ME (2019) Mimicry-dependent lateralization in the visual inspection of foreign eggs by American robins. Biology Letters 15: 20190351.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hanley D, Moskat C, Grim T, Hauber ME (2019) Anti-parasitic egg rejection by great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) tracks differences along an eggshell color gradient. Behavioural Processes 166: 103902.*
Hanley D, Gern K, Hauber ME, Grim T (2019) Host responses to foreign eggs across the avian visual color space. American Naturalist 194: 17-27.*
Hanley D, Lopez AV, Fiorini VD, Reboreda JC, Grim T, Hauber ME (2019) Variation in multicomponent recognition cues alters egg rejection decisions: a test of the optimal acceptance threshold hypothesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 374: 20180195.* (Faculty of 1000 Prime Recommended).
Moskat C, Ban M, Fulop A, Bereczki J, Hauber ME (2019) Bimodal habitat use in brood parasitic Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) revealed by GPS telemetry. Auk: Ornithological Advances 136: 1-12.
Manna TJ, Moskat C, Tong L, Ban M, Aidala Z, Low J, Hauber ME (2019) Multiple parasitism reduces egg rejection in the host of a mimetic avian brood parasite. Journal of Comparative Psychology 133: 351-358.*
Aidala Z, Strausberger B, Hauber ME (2019) Increased egg-nest visual contrast does not induce egg ejection in the Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), an accepter host of the brood parasitic Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). Journal of Comparative Psychology 133: 46–55.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2018) Invited Commentary: Applying the framework and concepts of parasitology to avian brood parasitism: a comment on Aviles. Behavioral Ecology 29: 520–521.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2018) Host defenses against avian brood parasitism: an endocrine perspective. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 285: 20180980 (with cover).*
Dainson M, Mark M, Hossain M, Yoo B, Holford M, McNeil S, Riehl C, Hauber ME (2018) How to make a mimic? Brood parasitic Striped Cuckoo eggs match host shell color but not pigment concentration. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44: 940-946 (with cover).*
Lynch KS, Louder MIM, Hauber ME (2018) Species-specific auditory forebrain responses to non-learned vocalizations in juvenile blackbirds. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 91: 193-200.*
Dinets V, Sokolovskis K, Hanley D, Hauber ME (2018) Striking difference in response to expanding brood parasites by birds of western and eastern Beringia. Journal of Field Ornithology 89: 117–125.*
Canniff L, Dainson M, Lopez AV, Hauber ME, Grim T, Samas P, Hanley D (2018) Probing the limits of egg recognition using egg rejection experiments along phenotypic gradients. Journal of Visualized Experiments 138: e57512.*
de la Colina MA, Pompilio L, Hauber ME, Reboreda JC, Mahler B (2018) Parasitic egg rejection decisions of chalk-browed mockingbirds Mimus saturninus are independent of clutch composition. Animal Cognition 21: 301–305.*
Luro A, Igic B, Croston R, Lopez AV, Shawkey MD, Hauber ME (2018) Which egg features predict egg rejection responses in American robins? Replicating Rothstein’s (1982) study. Ecology & Evolution 8: 1673-1679.*
Dainson M, Hauber ME, Lopez A, Grim T, Hanley D (2017) Does contrast between eggshell ground and spot coloration affect egg rejection? The Science of Nature 104: 54.*
Crystal Ornelas R, Lockwood JL, Cassey P, Hauber ME (2017) The establishment threat of the obligate brood-parasitic Pin-tailed Whydah (Vidua macroura) in North America and the Antilles. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119: 449-458.*
Lynch K, Gaglio A, Tyler E, Coculo J, Louder MM, Hauber ME (2017) A neural basis for password-based species recognition in an avian brood parasite. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 2345-2353.*
Luro AB, Hauber ME (2017) A test of the nest sanitation hypothesis for the evolution of foreign egg rejection in an avian brood parasite rejecter host species. The Science of Nature 104: 14.*
Manna T, Moskat C, Hauber ME (2017) Ch. 24: Cognitive decision rules for egg rejection. In Soler M (ed.) Avian Brood Parasitism, Springer Nature, New York, pp. 438-448.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME, Louder MIM (2017) Ch. 26: The evolution of nest sharing and nestmate killing strategies in brood parasites. In Soler M (ed.) Avian Brood Parasitism, Springer Nature, New York, pp. 475-492.*
Stoddard MC, Hauber ME (2017) Colour, vision and coevolution in avian brood parasitism. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London B 372: 20160339.
Hanley D, Grim T, Igic B, Samas P, Lopez AV, Shawkey MD, Hauber ME (2017) Egg discrimination along a gradient of natural variation in eggshell coloration. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 284: 20162592.*
Strausberger BM, Hauber ME (2017) Encounters with adult brood parasitic cowbirds at nests, not costly parasitic eggs, elicit nest desertion by Chipping Sparrows (Spizella passerina). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129: 554-559.
Samas P, Hauber ME, Honza M (2021) A meta-analysis of avian eggshell characteristics cueing egg-rejection defenses against brood parasitism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (online).
Lopez AV, Bolmaro RE, Avalos M, Gerschenson LN, Reboreda JC, Fiorini VD, Tartalini V, Risso P, Hauber ME (2021) How to build a puncture- and breakage-resistant eggshell? Mechanical and structural analyses of avian brood parasites and their hosts. Journal of Experimental Biology (online).
Lawson SL, Enos JK, Mendes NC, Gill SA, Hauber ME (2021) Responses of female yellow warblers to playbacks signaling brood parasitism and predation risk: A quasi-replication study. Animal Behavior and Cognition 8: 216-230 (Special Issue on Behavioral Replication Studies).*
Clark DL, Hauber ME, Anderson PSL (2021) Nest substrate and tool shape significantly affect the mechanics and energy requirements of avian eggshell puncture. Journal of Experimental Biology 224: jeb238832.*
Antonson N, Hauber ME (2021) Ch. 50: Conflict and Violence in Avian Siblings: A Natural History Perspective. In Shackelford TK (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Domestic Violence. Sage Press, Thousand Oaks, USA, pp. 822-838.*
Lopez AV, Reboreda JC, Fiorini VD, Gerschenson LN, Hauber ME (2021) A comparative study of the structural and mechanical properties of avian eggshells amongst hosts of obligate brood parasitic cowbirds (genus Molothrus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133: 1057–1076.*
Pollock HS, Hoover JP, Uy FMK, Hauber ME (2021) Brood parasites are a heterogeneous and functionally distinct class of natural enemies. Trends in Parasitology 37: 588-596.*
Scharf HM, Abolins-Abols M, Stenstrom KH, Tolman DT, Schelsky WM, Hauber ME (2021) Exposure to a mimetic or non-mimetic model avian brood parasite egg does not produce differential glucocorticoid responses in an egg-accepter host species. General and Comparative Endocrinology 304: 113723 (with cover).*
Lawson SL, Enos JK, Mendes NC, Gill SA, Hauber ME (2021) Pairing status moderates both the production of and responses to anti-parasitic referential alarm calls in male yellow warblers. Ethology 127: 385-394.*
Hauber ME, Winnicki SK, Hoover JP, Hanley D, Hays IR (2021) The limits of egg recognition: Testing acceptance thresholds of American robins in response to decreasingly egg-shaped objects in the nest. Royal Society Open Science 8: 201615 (with cover).*
Li D, Hauber ME (2021) Parasitic begging calls of nestmate-evictor common cuckoos stimulate more parental provisions by red-winged blackbirds than calls of nest-sharing brown-headed cowbirds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 11.
Marton A, Fulop A, Ban M, Hauber ME, Moskat C (2021) Female common cuckoo calls dampen the mobbing intensity of great reed warbler hosts. Ethology 127: 286-293 (with cover).*
Winnicki SK, Strausberger BM, Antonson ND, Burhans DE, Lock J, Kilpatrick AM, Hauber ME (2021) Developmental asynchrony and host species identity predict variability in nestling growth rates of an obligate brood parasite: a test of the “growth-tuning” hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 213–220.*
Hauber ME, Hoover JP, Rhodes OR, Ducay RL, Hanley D (2021) The blunt pole is not a source of more salient recognition cues than the sharp pole for the rejection of model eggs by American robins (Turdus migratorius). Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70: 20111.*
Scharf HM, Hauber ME, Mommer BC, Hoover JP, Schelsky WM (2021) The effect of avian brood parasitism on physiological responses of host nestlings. Oecologia 195: 861-872.*
Rutledge S, Carr DE, Hauber ME, Hanley D (2021) Best of a bad job or masters of illusion: do nest light conditions make the eggs of brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) more similar to the eggs of its hosts? Ethology 127: 117-124.*
Hauber ME (2020) Natural and artificial scents do not increase egg rejection rates of model brood parasitic eggs by American Robins (Turdus migratorius). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66: 309-317.
Luro AB, Fernandez-Juricic E, Baumhardt P, Hauber ME (2020) Visual acuity and egg spatial chromatic contrast predict antiparasitic egg rejection behavior of American robins. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb229609.*
Antonson ND, Rubenstein DR, Hauber ME, Botero CA (2020) Ecological uncertainty favours the diversification of host use in avian brood parasites. Nature Communications 11: 4185.*
Feng S, Stiller J, Deng Y, Armstrong J, Fang Q, Reeve AH, Xie D, Chen G, Guo C, Faircloth BC, Petersen B, Wang Z, Zhou Q, Diekhans M, Chen W, Andreu-Sanchez S, Margaryan A, Howard JT, Parent C, Pacheco G, Sinding M-HS, Puetz L, Cavill E, Ribeiro AM, Eckhart L, Fjeldsa J, Hosner PA, Brumfield RT, Christidis L, Bertelsen MF, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Tietze DT, Robertson BC, Song G, Borgia G, Claramunt S, Lovette IJ, Cowen SJ, Njoroge P, Dumbacher JP, Ryder OA , Fuchs J, Bunce M, Burt DW, Cracraft J, Meng G, Hackett SJ, Ryan PG, Jonsson KA, Jamieson IG, da Fonseca RR, Braun EL, Houde P, Mirarab S, Suh A, Stervander M, Hansson B, Sigeman H, Ponnikas S, Sigeman H, Stervander M, Frandsen PB, van der Zwan H, van der Sluis R, Visser C, Balakrishnan C, Clark AG, Fitzpatrick JW, Bowman R, Chen N, Cloutier A, Sackton TB, Edwards SV, Foote DJ, Shakya S, Sheldon FH, Vignal A, Soares AER, Shapiro B, Gonzalez-Solis J, Ferrer-Obiol J, Rozas J, Riutort M, Tigano A, Friesen V, Dalen L, Urrutia AO, Szekely T, Liu Y, Campana MG, Corvelo A, Fleischer RC, Rutherford KM, Gemmell NJ, Dussex N, Mouritsen H, Thiele N, Delmore K, Liedvogel M, Franke A, Hoppner MP, Krone O, Fudickar AM, Mila B, Ketterson ED, Fidler AE, Friis G, Parody-Merino AM, Battley PF, Cox MP, Lima NCB, Prosdocimi F, Parchman TL, Schlinger BA, Loiselle BA, Blake JG, Lim HC, Day LB, Fuxjager MJ, Baldwin MW, Braun MJ, Wirthlin M, Dikow RB, Ryder TB, Camenisch G, Keller LF, DaCosta JM, Hauber ME, Louder MIM, Witt CC, McGuire JA, Mudge J, Megna LC, Carling MD, Wang B, Taylor SA, Del-Rio G, Aleixo A, Vasconcelos ATR, Mello CV, Weir JT, Haussler D, Li Q, Yang H, Wang J, Lei F, Rahbek C, Gilbert MTP, Graves GR, Jarvis ED, Paten B, Zhang G (2020) Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 287: 252-257 (with cover).*
Hauber ME, Heath SK, Tonra CM (2020) Direct estimates of breeding site fidelity and natal philopatry in brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirds Molothrus ater. Ardea 108: 129-137.
Antonson ND, Hauber ME, Mommer BC, Hoover JP, Schelsky WM (2020) Physiological responses of host parents to rearing an avian brood parasite: An experimental study. Hormones and Behavior 125: 104812.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2020) Endocrine regulation of egg rejection in an avian brood parasite host. Biology Letters 16: 20200225.*
Hauber ME, Kim CR, Goethe C, Hanley D (2020) Self-referent phenotype matching is a poor predictor of egg rejection by American Robins. Journal of Field Ornithology 91: 254–262.*
Louder MIM, Schelsky WM, Hoover JP, Louder ANA, Hauber ME (2020) A seasonal shift in offspring sex ratio of the brood parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). Journal of Avian Biology 51: e02560.*
Hauber ME, Abolins-Abols M, Kim CR, Paitz RT (2020) Inter-individual variation in anti-parasitic egg rejection behavior: a test of the maternal investment hypothesis. Integrative Organismal Biology 2: obaa014.*
Lawson SL, Leuschner N, Gill BJ, Enos JK, Hauber ME (2020) Loss of graded enemy recognition in a Whitehead population allopatric with brood parasitic Long-tailed Cuckoos. Avocetta Journal of Ornithology 44: 3-10.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2020) Proximate predictors of variation in egg rejection behavior by hosts of avian brood parasites. Journal of Comparative Psychology 134: 412-422.*
Enos JK, Hyland-Bruno J, Hauber ME (2020) Aggressive responses of Eastern Phoebes (Sayornis phoebe) and American Robins (Turdus migratorius) towards brood parasites and nest predators. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132: 428-435.*
Lawson SL, Enos JK, Mendes NC, Gill SA, Hauber ME (2020) Heterospecific eavesdropping on an anti-parasitic referential alarm call. Communications Biology 3: 143.*
Luro A, Hauber ME (2020) Avian diet and foraging ecology constrain foreign egg recognition and rejection. Avian Biology Research 13: 24-31.*
Louder MIM, Lafayette M, Louder AA, Uy FMK, Balakrishnan CN, Yasukawa K, Hauber ME (2020) Shared transcriptional responses to con- and heterospecific behavioral antagonists in a wild songbird. Scientific Reports 10: 4092.*
Manna TJ, Hanley D, Honza M, Capek M, Rutila J, Samas P, Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2020) Fitting different visual models to behavioral patterns of parasitic egg rejection along a natural egg color gradient in a cavity-nesting host species. Vision Research 167: 54-59.*
Louder MIM, Balakrishnan CN, Louder ANA, Driver RJ, London SE, Hauber ME (2019) An acoustic password enhances auditory learning in juvenile brood parasitic cowbirds. Current Biology 29: 4045-4051.*
Hauber ME, Dainson M, Luro A, Louder AA, Hanley D (2019) When are egg rejection cues perceived? A test using thermochromic eggs in an avian brood parasite host. Animal Cognition 22:1141–1148.*
Louder MIM, Hauber ME, Louder ANA, Hoover JP, Schelsky WM (2019) Greater opportunities for sexual selection in male than in female obligate brood parasitic birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32: 1310-1315 (with cover).*
Scharf HM, Stenstrom K, Dainson M, Benson TJ, Fernandez-Juricic E, Hauber ME (2019) Mimicry-dependent lateralization in the visual inspection of foreign eggs by American robins. Biology Letters 15: 20190351.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hanley D, Moskat C, Grim T, Hauber ME (2019) Anti-parasitic egg rejection by great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) tracks differences along an eggshell color gradient. Behavioural Processes 166: 103902.*
Hanley D, Gern K, Hauber ME, Grim T (2019) Host responses to foreign eggs across the avian visual color space. American Naturalist 194: 17-27.*
Hanley D, Lopez AV, Fiorini VD, Reboreda JC, Grim T, Hauber ME (2019) Variation in multicomponent recognition cues alters egg rejection decisions: a test of the optimal acceptance threshold hypothesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 374: 20180195.* (Faculty of 1000 Prime Recommended).
Moskat C, Ban M, Fulop A, Bereczki J, Hauber ME (2019) Bimodal habitat use in brood parasitic Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) revealed by GPS telemetry. Auk: Ornithological Advances 136: 1-12.
Manna TJ, Moskat C, Tong L, Ban M, Aidala Z, Low J, Hauber ME (2019) Multiple parasitism reduces egg rejection in the host of a mimetic avian brood parasite. Journal of Comparative Psychology 133: 351-358.*
Aidala Z, Strausberger B, Hauber ME (2019) Increased egg-nest visual contrast does not induce egg ejection in the Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), an accepter host of the brood parasitic Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). Journal of Comparative Psychology 133: 46–55.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2018) Invited Commentary: Applying the framework and concepts of parasitology to avian brood parasitism: a comment on Aviles. Behavioral Ecology 29: 520–521.*
Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2018) Host defenses against avian brood parasitism: an endocrine perspective. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 285: 20180980 (with cover).*
Dainson M, Mark M, Hossain M, Yoo B, Holford M, McNeil S, Riehl C, Hauber ME (2018) How to make a mimic? Brood parasitic Striped Cuckoo eggs match host shell color but not pigment concentration. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44: 940-946 (with cover).*
Lynch KS, Louder MIM, Hauber ME (2018) Species-specific auditory forebrain responses to non-learned vocalizations in juvenile blackbirds. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 91: 193-200.*
Dinets V, Sokolovskis K, Hanley D, Hauber ME (2018) Striking difference in response to expanding brood parasites by birds of western and eastern Beringia. Journal of Field Ornithology 89: 117–125.*
Canniff L, Dainson M, Lopez AV, Hauber ME, Grim T, Samas P, Hanley D (2018) Probing the limits of egg recognition using egg rejection experiments along phenotypic gradients. Journal of Visualized Experiments 138: e57512.*
de la Colina MA, Pompilio L, Hauber ME, Reboreda JC, Mahler B (2018) Parasitic egg rejection decisions of chalk-browed mockingbirds Mimus saturninus are independent of clutch composition. Animal Cognition 21: 301–305.*
Luro A, Igic B, Croston R, Lopez AV, Shawkey MD, Hauber ME (2018) Which egg features predict egg rejection responses in American robins? Replicating Rothstein’s (1982) study. Ecology & Evolution 8: 1673-1679.*
Dainson M, Hauber ME, Lopez A, Grim T, Hanley D (2017) Does contrast between eggshell ground and spot coloration affect egg rejection? The Science of Nature 104: 54.*
Crystal Ornelas R, Lockwood JL, Cassey P, Hauber ME (2017) The establishment threat of the obligate brood-parasitic Pin-tailed Whydah (Vidua macroura) in North America and the Antilles. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119: 449-458.*
Lynch K, Gaglio A, Tyler E, Coculo J, Louder MM, Hauber ME (2017) A neural basis for password-based species recognition in an avian brood parasite. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 2345-2353.*
Luro AB, Hauber ME (2017) A test of the nest sanitation hypothesis for the evolution of foreign egg rejection in an avian brood parasite rejecter host species. The Science of Nature 104: 14.*
Manna T, Moskat C, Hauber ME (2017) Ch. 24: Cognitive decision rules for egg rejection. In Soler M (ed.) Avian Brood Parasitism, Springer Nature, New York, pp. 438-448.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME, Louder MIM (2017) Ch. 26: The evolution of nest sharing and nestmate killing strategies in brood parasites. In Soler M (ed.) Avian Brood Parasitism, Springer Nature, New York, pp. 475-492.*
Stoddard MC, Hauber ME (2017) Colour, vision and coevolution in avian brood parasitism. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London B 372: 20160339.
Hanley D, Grim T, Igic B, Samas P, Lopez AV, Shawkey MD, Hauber ME (2017) Egg discrimination along a gradient of natural variation in eggshell coloration. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 284: 20162592.*
Strausberger BM, Hauber ME (2017) Encounters with adult brood parasitic cowbirds at nests, not costly parasitic eggs, elicit nest desertion by Chipping Sparrows (Spizella passerina). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129: 554-559.
Model system of song learning and acoustic communication: zebra finches and beyond
Stenstrom K, Voss HU, Tokarev K, Phan M, Hauber ME (2021) Direction of response selectivity between conspecific and heterospecific auditory stimuli varies with response metric. Behavioural Brain Research (online).*
Hauber ME, Louder MIM, Griffith SC (2021) The natural history of model organisms: Neurogenomic insights into the behavior and vocal development of the zebra finch. eLife 10: e61849.*
Antonson ND, Rivera M, Abolins-Abols M, Kleindorfer S, Liu W-C, Hauber ME (2021) Early acoustic experience alters genome-wide methylation in the auditory forebrain of songbird embryos. Neuroscience Letters 755: 135917.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME (2021) Male common cuckoos use a three-note variant of their “cu-coo” call for duetting with conspecific females. Behavioural Processes 191: 104472.
Elek Z, Ban M, Fulop A, Marton A, Hauber ME, Moskat C (2021) Call rate in Common Cuckoos does not predict body size and responses to conspecific playbacks. Journal of Ornithology (online).*
Hauber ME, Taylor DM, Brawn JD (2021) Variable or atypical? Comparing unusual songs of the Tufted Titmouse with a citizen-science database. Journal of Ornithology 162: 313-316.*
Moskat C, Taylor DM, Hauber ME (2021) Effective conspecific communication with aberrant calls in the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 7.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME, Ruzickova J, Marton A, Ban M, Elek Z (2020) Female-female aggression and male responses to the two colour morphs of female common cuckoos. The Science of Nature 107: 28.
Louder MIM, Lawson S, Lynch K, Balakrishnan CN, Hauber ME (2019) Neural mechanisms of auditory species recognition in birds. Biological Reviews 94: 1619-1635.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME (2019) Sex-specific responses to simulated territorial intrusions in the common cuckoo: a dual function of female acoustic signaling. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 60.
Rivera M, Cealie M, Hauber ME, Kleindorfer S, Liu W (2019) Neural activation in response to conspecific songs in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) embryos and nestlings. NeuroReport 30: 217–221.*
Kleindorfer S, Evans C, Hauber ME, Colombelli-Negrel D (2018) Could prenatal sound discrimination predict vocal complexity later in life? BMC Zoology 3: 11.
Katsis AC, Davies MH, Buchanan KL, Kleindorfer S, Hauber ME, Mariette MM (2018) Prenatal exposure to incubation calls affects song learning in the zebra finch. Scientific Reports 8: 15232.
Rivera M, Louder MIM, Kleindorfer S, Liu W, Hauber ME (2018) Avian prenatal auditory stimulation: progress and perspectives. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 112.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME, Ban M, Fulop A, Geltsch N, Marton A, Elek Z (2018) Are both notes of the common cuckoo’s call necessary for familiarity recognition? Behavioural Processes 157: 685-690.*
Kleindorfer S, Hauber ME, Colombelli-Negrel D (2018) Comment and Response: Teaching behavior is responsive and costly in fairy-wrens though the time course needs to be defined. Behavioral Ecology 29: e3-e4.
Louder MIM, Hauber ME, Balakrishnan C (2018) Early social experience alters transcriptomic responses to species-specific song stimuli in female songbirds. Behavioural Brain Research 347: 69-76.*
Moskat C, Elek Z, Ban M, Geltsch N, Hauber ME (2017) Can common cuckoos discriminate between neighbours and strangers by their calls? Animal Behaviour 126: 253-260.
Hauber ME, Louder MIM, Griffith SC (2021) The natural history of model organisms: Neurogenomic insights into the behavior and vocal development of the zebra finch. eLife 10: e61849.*
Antonson ND, Rivera M, Abolins-Abols M, Kleindorfer S, Liu W-C, Hauber ME (2021) Early acoustic experience alters genome-wide methylation in the auditory forebrain of songbird embryos. Neuroscience Letters 755: 135917.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME (2021) Male common cuckoos use a three-note variant of their “cu-coo” call for duetting with conspecific females. Behavioural Processes 191: 104472.
Elek Z, Ban M, Fulop A, Marton A, Hauber ME, Moskat C (2021) Call rate in Common Cuckoos does not predict body size and responses to conspecific playbacks. Journal of Ornithology (online).*
Hauber ME, Taylor DM, Brawn JD (2021) Variable or atypical? Comparing unusual songs of the Tufted Titmouse with a citizen-science database. Journal of Ornithology 162: 313-316.*
Moskat C, Taylor DM, Hauber ME (2021) Effective conspecific communication with aberrant calls in the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 7.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME, Ruzickova J, Marton A, Ban M, Elek Z (2020) Female-female aggression and male responses to the two colour morphs of female common cuckoos. The Science of Nature 107: 28.
Louder MIM, Lawson S, Lynch K, Balakrishnan CN, Hauber ME (2019) Neural mechanisms of auditory species recognition in birds. Biological Reviews 94: 1619-1635.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME (2019) Sex-specific responses to simulated territorial intrusions in the common cuckoo: a dual function of female acoustic signaling. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 60.
Rivera M, Cealie M, Hauber ME, Kleindorfer S, Liu W (2019) Neural activation in response to conspecific songs in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) embryos and nestlings. NeuroReport 30: 217–221.*
Kleindorfer S, Evans C, Hauber ME, Colombelli-Negrel D (2018) Could prenatal sound discrimination predict vocal complexity later in life? BMC Zoology 3: 11.
Katsis AC, Davies MH, Buchanan KL, Kleindorfer S, Hauber ME, Mariette MM (2018) Prenatal exposure to incubation calls affects song learning in the zebra finch. Scientific Reports 8: 15232.
Rivera M, Louder MIM, Kleindorfer S, Liu W, Hauber ME (2018) Avian prenatal auditory stimulation: progress and perspectives. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 112.*
Moskat C, Hauber ME, Ban M, Fulop A, Geltsch N, Marton A, Elek Z (2018) Are both notes of the common cuckoo’s call necessary for familiarity recognition? Behavioural Processes 157: 685-690.*
Kleindorfer S, Hauber ME, Colombelli-Negrel D (2018) Comment and Response: Teaching behavior is responsive and costly in fairy-wrens though the time course needs to be defined. Behavioral Ecology 29: e3-e4.
Louder MIM, Hauber ME, Balakrishnan C (2018) Early social experience alters transcriptomic responses to species-specific song stimuli in female songbirds. Behavioural Brain Research 347: 69-76.*
Moskat C, Elek Z, Ban M, Geltsch N, Hauber ME (2017) Can common cuckoos discriminate between neighbours and strangers by their calls? Animal Behaviour 126: 253-260.
Waterbird ornithology
Novcic I, Krunic S, Golubovic A, Zoric K, Hauber ME (in press) Reliability of measurements of foraging behavior in shorebirds: a comparison of real-time and slow-motion recordings. Waterbirds.
Novcic I, Krunic S, Stankovic D, Hauber ME (2020) Duration of ‘peeks’ in ducks: how much time do Pochard Aythya ferina spend with eye open while in sleeping posture? Bird Study 67: 256-260.
Ismar-Rebitz SMH , Daniel C, Stephenson BM, Raubenheimer D, Millar CD, Hauber ME (2020) Sex-specific reproductive benefits of early arrival to the breeding colony in a seabird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132: 29-38.*
Besel D, Hauber ME, Hunter C, Ward-Smith T, Raubenheimer D, Millar CD, Ismar SMH (2018) Multifactorial roles of interannual variability, season, and sex for foraging patterns in a sexually size monomorphic seabird, the Australasian gannet (Morus serrator). Marine Biology 165: 72.*
Hauber ME, Daniel C, Stephenson BM, Millar DC, Ismar SMH (2018) Genetic mating system of Australasian Gannets (Morus serrator). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130: 763-770.*
Novcic I, Krunic S, Stankovic D, Hauber ME (2020) Duration of ‘peeks’ in ducks: how much time do Pochard Aythya ferina spend with eye open while in sleeping posture? Bird Study 67: 256-260.
Ismar-Rebitz SMH , Daniel C, Stephenson BM, Raubenheimer D, Millar CD, Hauber ME (2020) Sex-specific reproductive benefits of early arrival to the breeding colony in a seabird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132: 29-38.*
Besel D, Hauber ME, Hunter C, Ward-Smith T, Raubenheimer D, Millar CD, Ismar SMH (2018) Multifactorial roles of interannual variability, season, and sex for foraging patterns in a sexually size monomorphic seabird, the Australasian gannet (Morus serrator). Marine Biology 165: 72.*
Hauber ME, Daniel C, Stephenson BM, Millar DC, Ismar SMH (2018) Genetic mating system of Australasian Gannets (Morus serrator). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130: 763-770.*
Nests and eggs
Pollock HS, MacDonald SE, Vizentin-Bugoni J, Brawn JD, Sutton ZS, Hauber ME (2021) The Scientific Naturalist: What the pluck? Theft of mammal hair by birds is an overlooked but common behavior with fitness implications. Ecology (online).*
Mainwaring MC, Nagy J, Hauber ME (2021) Sex-specific contributions to nest building in birds. Behavioral Ecology (online).
Ducay RL, Luro AB, Hansen ES, Hauber ME (2021) Multicomponent shell traits are consistent with an individual recognition function of the appearance of common murre (Uria aalge) eggs: A biological replication study. Ecology and Evolution 11: 2402-2409.*
Hays I, Ljubcic I, Hauber ME (2020) The shape of avian eggs: Assessment of a novel metric for quantifying eggshell conicality. Auk: Ornithological Advances 137: ukaa021.*
Nagy J, Hauber ME, Hartley IR, Mainwaring MC (2019) Correlated evolution of nest and egg characteristics in birds. Animal Behaviour 158: 211-225.
Hauber ME, Bond AL, Kouwenberg A-L, Robertson GJ, Hansen EJ, Holford M, Dainson M, Luro A, Dale J (2019) The chemical basis of a signal of individual identity: shell pigment concentrations track the unique appearance of Common Murre eggs. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16: 20190115.*
Hauber ME, Luro A, McCarty CJ, Barateli K, Cassey P, Hansen E, Dale J (2019) Interannual repeatability of eggshell phenotype in individual female Common Murres (Uria aalge). Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 385-391.*
Hauber ME, Dainson M, Baldassarre DT, Hossain M, Holford M, Riehl C (2018) The perceptual and chemical basis of egg discrimination in communally nesting greater anis Crotophaga major. Journal of Avian Biology 49: e01776 (with cover).*
Hays IR, Hauber ME (2018) How the egg rolls: a morphological analysis of avian egg shape in the context of displacement dynamics. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb.178988.*
Dearborn DC, Page SM, Dainson M, Hauber ME, Hanley D (2017) Eggshells as hosts of bacterial communities: an experimental test of the antimicrobial egg coloration hypothesis. Ecology & Evolution 7: 9711–9719.*
Mainwaring MC, Nagy J, Hauber ME (2021) Sex-specific contributions to nest building in birds. Behavioral Ecology (online).
Ducay RL, Luro AB, Hansen ES, Hauber ME (2021) Multicomponent shell traits are consistent with an individual recognition function of the appearance of common murre (Uria aalge) eggs: A biological replication study. Ecology and Evolution 11: 2402-2409.*
Hays I, Ljubcic I, Hauber ME (2020) The shape of avian eggs: Assessment of a novel metric for quantifying eggshell conicality. Auk: Ornithological Advances 137: ukaa021.*
Nagy J, Hauber ME, Hartley IR, Mainwaring MC (2019) Correlated evolution of nest and egg characteristics in birds. Animal Behaviour 158: 211-225.
Hauber ME, Bond AL, Kouwenberg A-L, Robertson GJ, Hansen EJ, Holford M, Dainson M, Luro A, Dale J (2019) The chemical basis of a signal of individual identity: shell pigment concentrations track the unique appearance of Common Murre eggs. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16: 20190115.*
Hauber ME, Luro A, McCarty CJ, Barateli K, Cassey P, Hansen E, Dale J (2019) Interannual repeatability of eggshell phenotype in individual female Common Murres (Uria aalge). Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 385-391.*
Hauber ME, Dainson M, Baldassarre DT, Hossain M, Holford M, Riehl C (2018) The perceptual and chemical basis of egg discrimination in communally nesting greater anis Crotophaga major. Journal of Avian Biology 49: e01776 (with cover).*
Hays IR, Hauber ME (2018) How the egg rolls: a morphological analysis of avian egg shape in the context of displacement dynamics. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb.178988.*
Dearborn DC, Page SM, Dainson M, Hauber ME, Hanley D (2017) Eggshells as hosts of bacterial communities: an experimental test of the antimicrobial egg coloration hypothesis. Ecology & Evolution 7: 9711–9719.*
Other themes: from molecules through cognition to ecosystems!
Hauber ME (2021) Birds: Gems of Nature (A Species Guide). Ivy Press, Brighton, UK, 160pp.
Enos JK, Ward MP, Hauber ME (2021) A review of the scientific evidence on the impact of biologically salient frightening devices to protect crops from avian pests. Crop Protection 148: 105734.*
Reiner Brodetzki T, Lotem A, Safran RJ, Hauber ME (2021) Lack of subspecies-recognition in breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica transitiva). Behavioural Processes 189: 104422.
Fulmer AG, Hauber ME (2021) Autopreening behavior may convey information about internal social state in Arabian Babbler (Turdoides squamiceps) allopreening dyads. Behaviour 158: 427-446.*
Martin LB, Hanson HE, Hauber ME, Ghalambor CK (2021) Genes, environments, and phenotypic plasticity in immunology. Trends in Immunology 42: 198-208.
Withers SJ, Parsons S, Hauber ME, Kendrick A, Lavery S (2021). Genetic divergence between isolated populations of the North Island New Zealand Rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris granti) implicates ancient biogeographic impacts rather than recent habitat fragmentation. Ecology & Evolution 11: 5998-6014.*
Czeisel J, Hauber ME (2020) Seasonal and anthropogenic factors predict breeding success in Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) in shared greenspace. Kingbird 70: 102-119.*
Scharf HM, Suarez AV, Reeve HK, Hauber ME (2020). The evolution of conspecific acceptance threshold models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 375: 20190475.*
Suarez AV, Scharf HM, HK Reeve, Hauber ME (2020) Theme Issue Introduction: Signal detection, acceptance thresholds, and the evolution of animal recognition systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 375: 20190464 (with cover).*
Luro A, Hauber ME (2020) Invited Commentary: The ecological context and fitness impact of categorical perception: a comment on Green et al. Behavioral Ecology 31: 869-870.*
Hanson HE, Mathews NS, Hauber ME, Martin LB (2020) The natural history of model organisms: the house sparrow in the service of basic and applied biology. eLife 9: e52803.
Magory Cohen T, Kumar S, Nair M, Hauber ME, Dor R (2020) Innovation and decreased neophobia drive invasion success in a widespread avian invader. Animal Behaviour 163: 61-72.
Mackay JWB, Russell JC, Murphy EC, Clout MN, Hauber ME (2019) See how they run: increased ranging behavior counters potential Allee effects in experimentally introduced house mice on an island. Biological Invasions 21:1669-1681.*
Withers S, Armstrong D, Ward-Smith T, Parsons S, Hauber ME (2019) Improved methods for reducing translocation mortality and obtaining reliable population projections for reintroduction of the New Zealand rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris). Bird Conservation International 29: 542-557 (with cover).*
Masello JF, Martínez J, Calderón L, Wink M, Quillfeldt P, Sanz V, Theuerkauf J, Ortiz-Catedral L, Berkunsky I, Brunton D, Díaz Luque JA, Hauber ME, Ojeda V, Barnaud A, Casalins L, Jackson B, Mijares A, Rosales R, Seixas G, Serafini P, Silva-Iturriza A, Sipinski E, Vásquez R, Widmann P, Widmann I, Merino S (2018): Can the intake of antiparasitic secondary metabolites explain the low prevalence of hemoparasites among wild Psittaciformes? Parasites & Vectors 11: 357.*
Kopp M, Servedio MR, Mendelson TC, Safran RJ, Rodriguez RL, Hauber ME, Scordato EC, Symes LB, Balakrishnan CN, Zonana DM, van Doorn GS (2018) Synthesis: Mechanisms of assortative mating in speciation with gene flow: connecting theory and empirical research. American Naturalist 191: 1-20.
Ban M, Moskat C, Fulop A, Hauber ME (2018) Return migration of Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) between breeding grounds in Hungary and wintering grounds in Africa as documented by non-PTT GPS technology. Journal of Ornithology 159: 337-344.
Cuthill I, Allen W, Arbuckle K, Caspers B, Chaplin G, Hauber ME, Hill GE, Jablonski N, Jiggins C, Kelber A, Mappes J, Marshall J, Merrill R, Osorio D, Prum R, Roberts N, Roulin A, Rowland H, Sherratt T, Skelhorn J, Speed M, Stevens M, s MC, Stuart-Fox D, Talas L, Tibbetts E, Caro (2017) The Biology of Color. Science 357: 470 (eaan0221).
Enos JK, Ward MP, Hauber ME (2021) A review of the scientific evidence on the impact of biologically salient frightening devices to protect crops from avian pests. Crop Protection 148: 105734.*
Reiner Brodetzki T, Lotem A, Safran RJ, Hauber ME (2021) Lack of subspecies-recognition in breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica transitiva). Behavioural Processes 189: 104422.
Fulmer AG, Hauber ME (2021) Autopreening behavior may convey information about internal social state in Arabian Babbler (Turdoides squamiceps) allopreening dyads. Behaviour 158: 427-446.*
Martin LB, Hanson HE, Hauber ME, Ghalambor CK (2021) Genes, environments, and phenotypic plasticity in immunology. Trends in Immunology 42: 198-208.
Withers SJ, Parsons S, Hauber ME, Kendrick A, Lavery S (2021). Genetic divergence between isolated populations of the North Island New Zealand Rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris granti) implicates ancient biogeographic impacts rather than recent habitat fragmentation. Ecology & Evolution 11: 5998-6014.*
Czeisel J, Hauber ME (2020) Seasonal and anthropogenic factors predict breeding success in Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) in shared greenspace. Kingbird 70: 102-119.*
Scharf HM, Suarez AV, Reeve HK, Hauber ME (2020). The evolution of conspecific acceptance threshold models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 375: 20190475.*
Suarez AV, Scharf HM, HK Reeve, Hauber ME (2020) Theme Issue Introduction: Signal detection, acceptance thresholds, and the evolution of animal recognition systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 375: 20190464 (with cover).*
Luro A, Hauber ME (2020) Invited Commentary: The ecological context and fitness impact of categorical perception: a comment on Green et al. Behavioral Ecology 31: 869-870.*
Hanson HE, Mathews NS, Hauber ME, Martin LB (2020) The natural history of model organisms: the house sparrow in the service of basic and applied biology. eLife 9: e52803.
Magory Cohen T, Kumar S, Nair M, Hauber ME, Dor R (2020) Innovation and decreased neophobia drive invasion success in a widespread avian invader. Animal Behaviour 163: 61-72.
Mackay JWB, Russell JC, Murphy EC, Clout MN, Hauber ME (2019) See how they run: increased ranging behavior counters potential Allee effects in experimentally introduced house mice on an island. Biological Invasions 21:1669-1681.*
Withers S, Armstrong D, Ward-Smith T, Parsons S, Hauber ME (2019) Improved methods for reducing translocation mortality and obtaining reliable population projections for reintroduction of the New Zealand rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris). Bird Conservation International 29: 542-557 (with cover).*
Masello JF, Martínez J, Calderón L, Wink M, Quillfeldt P, Sanz V, Theuerkauf J, Ortiz-Catedral L, Berkunsky I, Brunton D, Díaz Luque JA, Hauber ME, Ojeda V, Barnaud A, Casalins L, Jackson B, Mijares A, Rosales R, Seixas G, Serafini P, Silva-Iturriza A, Sipinski E, Vásquez R, Widmann P, Widmann I, Merino S (2018): Can the intake of antiparasitic secondary metabolites explain the low prevalence of hemoparasites among wild Psittaciformes? Parasites & Vectors 11: 357.*
Kopp M, Servedio MR, Mendelson TC, Safran RJ, Rodriguez RL, Hauber ME, Scordato EC, Symes LB, Balakrishnan CN, Zonana DM, van Doorn GS (2018) Synthesis: Mechanisms of assortative mating in speciation with gene flow: connecting theory and empirical research. American Naturalist 191: 1-20.
Ban M, Moskat C, Fulop A, Hauber ME (2018) Return migration of Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) between breeding grounds in Hungary and wintering grounds in Africa as documented by non-PTT GPS technology. Journal of Ornithology 159: 337-344.
Cuthill I, Allen W, Arbuckle K, Caspers B, Chaplin G, Hauber ME, Hill GE, Jablonski N, Jiggins C, Kelber A, Mappes J, Marshall J, Merrill R, Osorio D, Prum R, Roberts N, Roulin A, Rowland H, Sherratt T, Skelhorn J, Speed M, Stevens M, s MC, Stuart-Fox D, Talas L, Tibbetts E, Caro (2017) The Biology of Color. Science 357: 470 (eaan0221).